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Danthure Viharaya

Danthure Viharaya enticing woodcarvings with sculptured dancers

Passing Suriyagoda Viharaya in Yati Nuwara you come across two more historical locations, Dodanwela Devalaya and Danthure Viharaya. These can also be reached by the main road from Alakolange.

Famous battle between Wimaladharmasuriya I (1592 - 1604) and the Portuguese was fought at Danthure. In 1591, the Portuguese installed a puppet king Yamasinghe Bandara who was baptised as Don Phillip. Although he ascended the throne, he could not hold it as he died of old age shortly after, paving the way for his twelve-year-old son Don Jo?o to claim the throne. Konappu Bandara immediately overthrew him and proclaimed himself the king of Kandy with the name of Wimaladharmasuriya. Then he fought the Portuguese and freed Kandy form the grips of the invaders.

The Danthure Viharaya is Tampita Viharaya ( A temple built on pillars). The ground floor of the viharaya is used as the "Bana Maduwa" or a preaching hall. On four pillars at the centre of the hall are sculptured musicians and dancers. The upper floor is a image house with a seated image of Buddha under a Makara Torana. The timber ceiling and the walls carry painting form the Kandyan Period.